:Base abintgrt.HLP 1 Integrating - inserting fields, pictures and objects 2 Integration in Ability=Integration_in_Ability 2 Using copy and paste 3 Copy and paste=Copy_and_Paste 3 Examples of copy and paste=Examples_of_copy_and_paste 3 Copy and paste in dialogs=Copy_and_paste_in_dialogs 2 Integration through field linking 3 Linking through fields=Linking_through_fields 3 One way links=One_way_links 3 Linking to spreadsheet example=Linking_to_Spreadsheet_example 3 Linking to a write document example=Linking_to_Write_example 3 Linking from a Write document to a spreadsheet=Linking_from_a_Write_document_to_a_spreadsheet 3 Linking from a spreadsheet to a database=Linking_from_a_spreadsheet_to_a_database 3 Refining Database links=Refining_Database_links 3 Using one way links in formulas=Using_one_way_links_in_formulas 3 Two way links=Two_way_links 2 Inserting pictures and objects 3 Linking and embedding documents=Linking_and_embedding_documents 3 Object linking=Object_linking 3 Object embedding=Object_embedding 3 Inserting a spreadsheet into a Write document=Inserting_a_spreadsheet_into_a_Write_document 3 Inserting a chart into Write=Inserting_a_chart_into_Write 3 Inserting a Draw document into Write or Spreadsheet=Inserting_a_Draw_document_into_Write_or_Spreadsheet 3 Inserting an image into Write or Speadsheet=Inserting_an_image_into_Write_or_Speadsheet 2 More about fields 3 Fields - an introduction=Fields_an_introduction 3 Field controls=Field_Controls